Buchholz ψ analyzer

Ordinal notation

About this program

This program analyzes Buchholz ψ function defined in Buchholz (1986). When the user gives an ordinal term a ∈ T, as defined in the reference, the program determines if a ∈ OT. If a ∉ OT, b ∈ OT (o(a) = o(b)) is suggested. For example:

Input: D1(D0(0),D1(D4(0)),D3(D0(0)))
a = D1(D0(0),D1(D4(0)),D3(D0(0)))
where a ∈ T, a ∉ OT. Showing b ∈ OT where o(a) = o(b):
b = D1(D3(D0(0)),D2(0))
o(a) = o(b) = ψ1(ψ3(ψ0(0))+ψ2(0))
 = ψ1(ψ3(1)+ψ2(0))

Input string




Buchholz, W. (1986): A New System of Proof-Theoretic Ordinal Function. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 32:195-207.

Buchholz ψ analyzer 1.0 by Fish